Friday 9 December 2016

Politics dampens hope for marriage equality in Taiwan (M. Bob Kao, East Asia Forum)


  1. People don’t want the perversion of marriage and no political manipulations to legalize same sex marriage can change this - the redefining of marriage to make it a "sex-based" union instead of the historical "family-based" union is not acceptable no matter how much the homosexual activists try to "will it into existence". The more that the left-wing elitists use propaganda slogans like “marriage equality”, rights”, “love is love” and “discrimination of LGBTIQAP+” (none of these things are true) and the more that they name/shame/boycott opponents, name-calling with “homophobia”, overwhelm-the-opposition tactics and political manipulation, the more that people reject such a regressive policy of same sex marriage. The West has been hoodwinked, but the Asian countries are wiser, so they are less interested in destroying marriage – it’s a heterosexual institution proven over millennia to be a bedrock pillar of civilisations for decency, prosperity and safety.

  2. Homosexual marriage is the tail of the 60's sexual revolution of free love which dismissed marriage as prohibitive to freedom to have sex with anybody and anyone at anytime - then along came the pill and legal abortion which took away the consequences. What has replaced traditional marriage - between one man and one woman for life - are the fake substitutes and token "marriages" based on convenience and self-gratification. The great damage is plain to see in a myriad of ways, especially with children (....the innocent, unborn children who are aborted get the worst treatment of all - they die). The history of the institution of marriage is quite clear: it was designed to unite a male and a female. I'm waiting to see how the definition and function of marriage has supposedly "changed" even though promiscuity and decadency has become acceptable and poisoned nearly every facet of society. Our children are now living in this environment with an aggressively targeted campaign in schools designed to groom them into as extreme perverse sexualisation as possible from a very young age with no awareness of true marriage or it's benefits. This means that when they become adults, they will have no desire to marry or even be aware of what true marriage means. Marriage is therefore constantly being undermined leading to frivolous commitments, lack of role-model marriages in media, music or the entertainment industry (which is why most celebrities back SSM because their own multiple marriages have all failed and they can get more money out of backing the latest trend) and higher levels of divorce (mainly due to the "no-fault" divorce laws that also contributed to the trashing of marriage over the past few decades). Same sex marriage only now seems plausible because the true purpose of marriage has eroded so much that it doesn't matter what you do, you can redefine any sex act to b called marriage to try and make it "acceptable". But in the history of mankind, homosexual marriage has never been deemed acceptable for one simple reason - it can't do marriage because it is "sex-based" instead of "family-based". All this pulling down of marriage makes marriage look worthless, when in fact, it is not the institution of marriage that is at fault, but rather the way it is being used - people who divorce are simply not honouring their marriage vows. Plus, technology has advanced to manipulate procreation....thus, homosexual "marriage" now seems viable only because the awareness of a strong family-based marriage bond as a building block of society is almost lost completely - we are seeing the final nail in the coffin for meaningful marriage. If we make this final step of decadent marriage redefinition, then marriage becomes a total worthless concept. It will be weeded out of our society. Homosexual marriage is against biology and the biological design of the human body and is unable to perform the purpose of marriage. Homosexuality is based solely on desire. Born gay myths are simply myths to incite emotive propaganda slogans. As the gay agenda says it is looking for equality and it is using 'marriage' as its vehicle which will be discarded as they move onto other fights. The word 'equal love' is used to neturalize the negative aspect of the homosexual lifestyle which historically has been excessively permissive. hence, there is no “marriage equality” when they leave out ALL the various marriage “options” (such as polygamy, marry yourself, two brothers or two sisters marrying each other, necrophilia, child brides or, as Chris Sevier in the USA is trying to do, marrying your laptop, etc).
