Monday 13 June 2016

Flawed FAA redactions expose Boeing 787 whistleblower (Al Jazeera)

1 comment:

  1. Whistleblowers are the enemy of the FAA because they are the enemy of their corrupt bosses, Boeing Management. I would be interested if FAA Management has ever investigated any whistleblower's report to it of Boeing fraud and allowed itself to find for them and not their in effect current owners and future employers, Boeing.
    Their modus operandi is to always ignore the report and hope the whistleblower doesn't come back. If they do, as I did, they will do a couple hour "investigation" of the report and only write up a few paperwork errors while ignoring the reported defects on the planes themselves and the criminal conduct of Boeing Management reported to them. If, as I did, the whistleblower finds out just how many of the reported frauds were purposely never investigated (abt 97% of 381 items in my case), and appeals to the Administrator who says they will finally ensure all items are investigated, in the end the whistleblower only gets perhaps 8% of their reported Boeing Management frauds investigated, as in my case, with them ignoring the central allegation all of the other 380 reported items supported--the criminal conduct of Boeing QA Management in massively subverting the QA process in order to save costs and reduce flow times. They should have referred that item to the FBI for investigation, but they never did because it would nix their promised executive level job at Boeing if they had much of Boeing Management imprisoned.

    Eerily similar to the noted whistleblower, I sent the FAA another report on Boeing supplier fraud I witnessed just before the first flight of the 787 because one of the items I reported might have endangered first flight, just three days before their report of Boeing fraud. I wrote Patty Murray as well, and she wrote a letter on my behalf.

    The whistleblower's allegations, although stark, are perfectly consistent with what I witnessed of the fraud by both depraved Boeing Management and their FAA. Forging positive test results would be just par for the course for criminally inclined Boeing Management despite doing so endangering millions of passengers if they could save money and illegally subvert and contract the certification schedule by doing so. Hard to believe, unless you have witnessed it like me and many other whistleblowers and come forward to try to stop it. Because of this and other frauds, Boeing is a criminal enterprise and their FAA is a criminal agency whose "customer" (Boeing) friendly fraud has killed hundreds more than the similarly addled MMS ever did.

    I think Senator Patty Murray should at least be POed and take action against the FAA for lying to her. She is on exactly the right committee to do so.

    Excellent reporting on the Battery failure at 52,000 hours rather than the supposedly certified billion hour requirement. No doubt several planeloads of passengers and crew will pay the ultimate price for Boeing's fraud well before the billion hour requirement is reached.

    At least Boeing in effect admitted that it is using planeloads of people on the 787 in service to ultimately certify that the design approved with forged data and blackmailed approvals is as safe as falsely certified. No doubt there has been damage to many 787's in service due to lightning strikes without an explosion yet. An enterprising reporter should FOIA those records if possible to follow up.

    At least something good happened as a result of all of this FAA fraud in one person's mind. Ali Bahrami finally got the Boeing executive level pay job he was promised for quashing all whistleblower reports and improperly approving the fraud riddled and unsafe 787, as many similarly corrupt FAA Managers have done so before.
